AI Network Successfully Lists $AIN token on Bitget
Trade AIN on Bitget and earn your share of 6,428,000 AIN (around $90,000) free. Event ends 24th Aug
$AIN token has successfully listed on Bitget, global cryptocurrency exchange with 25m+ users and daily trading volume of over $1.4B.
This is big news for $AIN token. Given Bitget’s size, this listing will put AI Network and $AIN token in front of many new users and traders.
To celebrate we are running a Candybomb promotion on Bitget for $AIN token trading until the 24th Aug 2024:
Trade $AIN on and earn a share of 6,428,000 AIN (around $90,000 USDT)
The more you trade the more rewards you can earn.
Trading $AIN on Bitget (spot or futures) will earn you Candybomb points which you can exchange for your share of the 6,428,000 $AIN rewards. The more you trade the more AIN rewards you can claim.
This is a listing promotion and will end on 24th August 2024.
This offer won’t last long, register for the event and trade now to earn your share of AIN rewards.
Bitget are also running a sign-up promotion if you don’t already have a trading account with them — sign-up using the link below and earn a share of an additional 6,200 USDT reward.
AI Network is a decentralized AI development ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Within its ecosystem, resource providers can earn $AIN tokens for their GPUs, developers can gain access to GPUs for open source AI programs, and creators can transform their AI creations into AINFTs. The ultimate goal of AI Network is to bring AI to Web3, where everyone can easily develop and utilize artificial intelligence.
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