$AIN token lists on Bitget — Receive a $10 reward for depositing into Bitget (with potential for upto $100 reward)
Transfer 3600 $AIN token into Bitget & get $10 $AIN free! Deadline 12th Aug 2024
*$10 reward (714 $AIN) per user guaranteed when we reach a minimum of 300 users depositing 3600 $AIN token each on Bitget
Hello AI Networkers, we’re listing $AIN token on Bitget!
We’re really excited about this — Bitget is a massive exchange (25m+ users & daily trading volume of over a $1B) and will help grow the value of $AIN token, and we’re so excited we’re running a promotion!
Bitget are giving away $10 worth of $AIN free to the first 300 users who deposit 3600 $AIN token (around $50 USD)!
That’s a 20% return on your crypto!
If we reach 2000 or more users depositing $AIN into Bitget the prize pool increases, and you could receive upto a $100 $AIN reward totally free.
This offer runs from 5th August and ends 12th August at 11am UTC. Full details can be found here: https://www.bitget.com/support/articles/12560603813766
Claiming your reward couldn’t be easier, just follow these simple steps:
1. Go to Bitget.com and create an account.
Create an account on Bitget if you don’t already have one and go through one level of KYC (identity verification).
Bitget homepage
2. Navigate to the $AIN deposit page on Bitget
Navigate to the deposit page and click the ‘Deposit’ button.
On the deposit page the first field should already be filled in with AIN (AI Network) token. Follow the steps below:
- 1. Select coin. If ‘AIN’ isn’t already selected click the drop-down menu, search for ‘AIN’ and select.
- 2. Choose Network. The only choice is ERC20, choose this.
- 3. Deposit Address. Filling in fields 1 and 2 will generate your AIN deposit address. This is the address you’ll use to deposit $AIN into Bitget, copy it.
Here’s a visual guide to make sure you’re on the right track:
3. Deposit 3600 $AIN token (net) into Bitget.
Use your Bitget $AIN address to deposit 3600 $AIN (net) into Bitget. If you don’t already hold $AIN token, you can purchase it from the following exchanges:
- MEXC — Purchase from MEXC
- LBank — Purchase from LBank
- Uniswap — Swap on Uniswap
- Gopax — Purchase on Gopax with Korean Won
When you have 3600 $AIN you can use any of these services to deposit into Bitget, using the $AIN deposit address you generated in step 2, above.
Please note, the total amount of $AIN deposited into Bitget must be a minimum of 3600. This does not include gas fees.
4. Receive your reward!
You’ll receive your reward in the form of 714 $AIN (around $10) deposited directly into your Bitget account within 7 days of this offer concluding.
There is a further prize pool available and will be unlocked depending on how many users deposit $AIN into Bitget. 1000 users or more and an extra 607,185 $AIN pool of rewards will be distributed, 2000 users or more and an extra 1,214,371 $AIN pool of rewards will be distributed (which is upto $100 extra reward per user!).
This means it’s good for everyone! The more people that know about this promotion, the more people that deposit, the higher your potential rewards, so share this offer with everyone you know!
This link shows how many have deposited and the size of the $AIN rewards pool. See here for the parameters of this offer.
*Please note, this offer is limited to one per user. Bitget requires KYC for this promotion, and any persons using multiple accounts, cheating the system or performing any other illegal behaviour will be disqualified