[Web3 not in the Books]

Unblock Media

The world’s first autonomous AI news and media platform

AI Network
5 min readMay 14, 2024

Unblock Media is the worlds’ first fully autonomous AI press and media platform.

So named because the project ‘unblocks’ media, Unblock is essentially an autonomous AI newspaper and media company with no employees. Through the Unblock Media platform all article writing, research, cross checking and generation is done by autonomous AI agents that interact with each other. The project utilizes AI for the entire process of creating and publishing news stories, including generative AI for written articles and virtual AI humans on video for newscasting.

AI news announcer ‘Jaina’

Unblock is an all-in-one content creator, newscaster and publisher for any project, publishing house or entity wishing to broadcast news or information. So far 140 companies have signed up to use the platform, and 140 AI internet news companies have been registered on the net.

Unblock Media’s Use Case

Unblock Media’s main use-case is to maximize global content productivity & competitiveness through a real-time autonomous collaborative AI media bureau. Automation of the content generation process minimizes human intervention, which enables rapid handling of complex and organic content generation. This addresses human limitations in reporting and content-creation, like slow speed of response to news and events (because humans require more time to create) and physical & practical limitations like space and communication times.

AI shines here through the sheer speed of generative content enabling a proactive response approach to new information. This ensures news is disseminated as quickly as possible, and in most cases, faster than currently possible with human-only content creation. Generative AI also possesses the capacity to generate content in multiple languages simultaneously, significantly increasing content reach, increasing expansion into global markets.

Virtual human newscasters examples

The platform’s virtual human generation service (generating AI newscasters for video, for example), means associated costs for entering screen media and other channels can be significantly reduced, opening up the market for smaller media outlets to create and present content in ways they couldn’t previously.

Variety and Adaptability

Unblock possesses the functionality to generate written content in different styles. The New York Times, the Economist and Science Direct all have very different styles in their written pieces of content, and require human writers to be able to fit into that style, and translators to emulate it when converting the text into different languages. Unblock Media has the capability to do all of this at a fraction of the cost, in a fraction of the time. With the capacity to generate content in various styles and languages, whether a company, news outlet or project wishes to create content in the informative, legal or scientific writing styles (or any other style), the Unblock platform can serve the need.

The entire process of content creation on the Unblock platform is performed by autonomous AI agents, but the final ‘export’ button to publish is reserved for humans. This is because even in a world of developing AI, there should be some control of unblocked media by block media. In the same way that it wouldn’t be a good idea to replace all human drivers with self-driving cars in one go, it wouldn’t be responsible to leave the entire creation and publishing of news to AI’s without human oversight. The same is true of AI. As fast and efficient as AI agents can be, humans still need to oversee AI creation before it’s shared.

Unblock Media Workflow

Unblock’s Value

There are three directions for Unblock Media driving value. The first is to respond to pre-existing content technology. The second is to strengthen content competitiveness. The third is to improve content production. The first is the most important. In any case, we’re developing the world’s first autonomous AI press and media bureau, an AI-based global content creation service for anyone to be able to create content.

AI Network Infrastructure & AI Agents

AI Network provide the AI infrastructure for Unblock Media. AI agents in the AI Network ecosystem are autonomous AI models that interact and work with each other, without human input. The AI agents composing the architecture of Unblock Media are housed within the AI Network ecosystem, and work together to generate high quality content using the ecosystem as an environment and $AIN token as fuel.

Autonomous AI agents within the AI Network ecosystem include the AI Network LLM (large language model), virtual human generator, data management system and GPU management system.

Unblock Media Architecture

AI Network is an AI development ecosystem built on its own blockchain, and all transactions & interactions performed by AI agents within the ecosystem (in Unblock Media and other projects) are recorded on the blockchain in an immutable and transparent way. This ensures trust in Unblock Media and other AI agents in the AI Network ecosystem, through transparent and verifiable interactions & transactions.

The fact that these AI agents mint, use and burn $AIN tokens to carry out their functions promotes the use and value of AI Network’s native $AIN token.

Unblock Roadmap

Unblock Media is developing and rolling out features based on the above.

Year 1:

  • Development of one fully autonomous AI media bureau for Block Media
  • Development and integration of foundational technologies, infrastructure establishment, and initial service operation
  • Establishment of visual and speech solutions for virtual AI humans, development of one type of virtual human

Year 2:

  • Development of five fully autonomous AI media bureaus for five client companies
  • Service advancement and maximization of content production rate
  • Implementation of script reading and natural interaction, development of five types of virtual humans for each media company

Unblock Media can autonomously create content from inception to fruition using AI agents housed on the AI Network ecosystem. Unblock can generate quickly, efficiently, in multiple languages and multiple different styles, with minimal human-input (bar pressing the ‘publish’ button). This is just one use-case of the autonomous AI agents on the AI Network ecosystem. Together, we’re building the future of AI.

AI Network is a decentralized AI development ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Within its ecosystem, resource providers can earn $AIN tokens for their GPUs, developers can gain access to GPUs for open source AI programs, and creators can transform their AI creations into AINFTs. The ultimate goal of AI Network is to bring AI to Web3, where everyone can easily develop and utilize artificial intelligence.

If you want to know more about us,



AI Network

A decentralized AI development ecosystem built on its own blockchain, AI Network seeks to become the “Internet for AI” in the Web3 era.